Frosty ride today with this crew of shredders. The best people to ride with! Back to work tomorrow. #breadwinnercxteam #JBRacers
Tags: breadwinnercxteam, jbracer
Frosty ride today with this crew of shredders. The best people to ride with! Back to work tomorrow. #breadwinnercxteam #JBRacers
Cold start to the ride this am but thankfully this hot coffee and new bottle combo are keeping me rolling. Thanks to @seanbob for the pre dawn pedal. New bottles are up on the site. @wateravecoffee @ridehifi @ridepdw #breadwinnercxteam #iranottony (at Water Avenue Coffee)
Ready to race! #brianhartjr and @donovan_birky (left and rt) just before the start last weekend at #subarucyclocup in Tacoma. They are both 16 and getting a couple more weeks of training before #cxnats but we need some help to pay for travel. Please consider sending a small donation to help us get them to nationals in January. Find a link to the #GoFundMe campaign in our bio. Thank you! #breadwinnercxteam
Let’s pause for a moment to enjoy this simple beauty from our friends at @wateravecoffee. They have been great sponsors all season with coffee at the local cx races. Now it’s time for rainy road rides and hot coco. #breadwinnercxteam
The upgraded Ti @gevenalle brake pads did a great job with the @challengetires today at #krugerscrossing. Michael G. got 3rd, Ira 4th, #brianhartjr 5th and Craig got 6th in the A race. Now it’s time to train for #cxnats. #breadwinnercxteam @paulcomponent #madeinUSA
Our Jr. racers are working super hard to get to #cxnats2015 and @donovan_birky took 6th at #CXLA Saturday. These kids are putting it all on the line and you can help them by sending a couple bucks via the #gofundme link in our bio. We need money for lodging and flights in January. #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #brianhartjr #breadwinnercxteam photo by Saja.
Fresh #Holeshotdisc frame tacked for #brianhartjr on the #breadwinnercxteam. This is his new team bike for #cxnats2015.
Hamming it up at #bikepractice today. After last weekend’s crushing race @seanbob is feeling like a #breadwiener! #punny #dadhumor #breadwinnercxteam
This weekend @donovan_birky will be racing #CXLA so if you’re in southern California cheer him on. He is headed to #cxnats2015 and we are raising money for his trip via a #gofundme campaign. Please find the link in our bio and contribute $10-20 to help get him there. Thank you! #breadwinnercxteam @ridepdw @wateravecoffee @challengetires @sugarwheelworks @ridehifi @christopherbagg @chriskingbuzz @rawdaciouspdx @unitedbicycle @castellicycling @rideshimano @bikeflights
Ok, now that cx season is winding down in Oregon, we can indulge in some of these tasty @rawdaciouspdx pies! They are unbelievably good and raw so they are good for you right? Support this rad local business and buy a pie for Thanksgiving! #breadwinnercxteam
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