Found a new road in Portland this am that adds some #vitaminG and a curvy climb to my city routes. Perfect conditions for my @challengetires #parisroubaix 27’s. #crossiscoming
Tags: crossiscoming, parisroubaix, vitaming
Found a new road in Portland this am that adds some #vitaminG and a curvy climb to my city routes. Perfect conditions for my @challengetires #parisroubaix 27’s. #crossiscoming
Joe Staples gave me this book about a decade ago and I take it off the shelf and thumb through the black and white photos every once and a while. This time of year always reminds me to look at it and try to soak up what makes the spring classics great and how a poor farming region in northern Europe can be such a great place for cycling culture. The fact that this book is small, all photos and square about 5 years before Instagram is also noteworthy. Thanks @mrjoestaples! #iranottony #flandersclassics #parisroubaix
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